
f100: Goro Bertz and Ioana Moldovan

© Ioana Moldovan

fototazo has asked a group of 50 curators, gallery owners, blog writers, photographers, academics and others actively engaged in photography to pick two photographers that deserve (more) recognition - the underknown, the under-respected as well as not-appreciated-enough favorites. A little more information on the project is available in the first post in the series here.

Today we continue the series with responses from Ulf Fågelhammar.

The series also includes responses from Nicholas NixonMatt JohnstonBlake AndrewsJohn Edwin MasonAline SmithsonColin PantallMichael WernerLiza FetissovaLaurence SalzmannBryan FormhalsRichard MosseShane LavaletteAmy SteinAmani WillettWayne FordS. Billie MandleLeslie K. BrownGordon StettiniusMarc FeustelHin ChuaAdriana Rios MonsalveDaniel AugschoellLarissa LeclairElinor CarucciPieter WisseDaniel EchevarríaNatalie MinikQiana MestrichJason LandryRona ChangStella KramerJoanne LukitshYumi GotoGwen LafageHeidi RomanoJulie GrahameStefano BianchiSteve Bisson and Charles Guice

Ulf Fågelhammar (b. 1951) is the founder and editor of 591 Photography Blog. He lives in Stockholm.

Goro Bertz
Born 1980 in Sweden, lives in Tokyo, Japan
Links: http://thesip.org/2011/05/following-imperfection/ and http://outoffocusmag.com/goro-bertz-20110311/

Ioana Moldovan
Born 1980, lives in Bucharest, Romania
Link: http://www.ioanamoldovan.blogspot.com/

I have selected two photographers who happen to be born the same year; 1980. Their talent is apparent, but I also sense a passion and commitment to the art of photography that I highly value. Neither of them have held any major exhibitions or published books. Ioanna runs her own blog, Goro's work has appeared in other photo sites.

© Goro Bertz