© Victor Zea |
fototazo has asked a group of 50 curators, gallery owners, blog writers, photographers, academics and others actively engaged with Latin American photography to pick two early career photographers whose work deserves recognition.
This project aims to highlight great work being made in the region today and also to provide a starting point in both English and Spanish for exploring contemporary Latin American photography. LatAm f100 is a collaboration between fototazo and the photographer and educator
Jaime Permuth.
Today we continue the series with selections by
Paccarik Orue. His biography follows his selections.
The series also includes responses from
Molly Roberts,
Mariela Sancari and
Alonso Castillo.
fototazo ha invitado a un grupo de 50 curadores, galeristas, escritores, fotógrafos, y académicos - entre otros individuos seriamente comprometidos con la fotografía latinoamericana - a escoger cada quién dos fotógrafos emergentes cuya obra sea merecedora de mayor reconocimiento.
Este proyecto es una manera de celebrar el gran trabajo que se lleva a cabo en la región. Asimismo, busca proporcionar un punto de partida bilingüe en inglés y en español a las audiencias que deseen explorar la fotografía contemporánea en Latinoamérica. LatAm f100 es una colaboración entre fototazo y el fotógrafo y educador Jaime Permuth.
Hoy continuamos la serie con selecciones aportadas por Paccarik Orue. Encontrará su biografía al final del texto.
La serie también incluye contribuciones de Molly Roberts, Mariela Sancari y Alonso Castillo.
I met Victor Zea during our participation in the recent edition of
Trasatlantica in the city of Lima. There he shared the dummy of his photobook
Qosqokijllu with me, in which Zea crosses the streets of Cusco guided by the Andean light. The result leads the audience to a mysterious place where the Incan spirits reign.
Conocí a Victor Zea durante nuestra participación en la reciente edición de Trasatlantica en la ciudad de Lima. Ahí el compartió el dummy de su fotolibro Qosqokijllu conmigo, en el cual Zea recorre las calles Cusqueñas guiado por la luz Andina. El resultado lleva a la audiencia a un lugar misterioso donde los espíritus Incaicos reinan.
© Victor Zea |
© Victor Zea |
© Victor Zea |
© Victor Zea |
© Victor Zea |
© Victor Zea |
© Victor Zea |
© Victor Zea |
© Victor Zea |
In the series
Hay un más allá,
Hugo Vazquez looks into himself stating that we do not know everything. The images of Vasquez confront me with my own fears and remind me that life is like that, a beautiful mystery.
En la serie Hay un más allá Hugo Vazquez mira hacia adentro de si mismo, afirmando que no lo sabemos todo. Las imágenes de Vásquez me enfrentan a mis propios miedos y me hacen recordar que la vida es así; un hermoso misterio.
© Hugo Vásquez |
© Hugo Vásquez |
© Hugo Vásquez |
© Hugo Vásquez |
© Hugo Vásquez |
© Hugo Vásquez |
© Hugo Vásquez |
© Hugo Vásquez |
© Hugo Vásquez |
© Hugo Vásquez |
Paccarik Orue was born and raised in Lima, Peru and resides in San Francisco, California where he earned a BFA from the Academy of Art University. His work has been shown at Blue Sky Gallery, Rayko Photo Center, SF Camerawork, Book & Job Gallery, Contemporary Art Center New Orleans, SOMArts and it has been featured in
PDN, Juxtapox,
The New York Times, KQED, Conscientious, Nueva Luz, and Lenscratch among others. He was selected by PDN as one of the 30 Emerging Photographers to Watch in 2016 and has been awarded En Foco’s New Works Photography Fellowship Award (2013-2014.) Orue’s first monograph,
There Is Nothing Beautiful Around Here, was published by Owl & Tiger Books in 2012.